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How Seeking Depression Treatment Benefits Your Entire Family

Tonya Octave LCSW

Mayo Clinic defines depression as “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.” If you have found yourself or a family member increasingly sad and not participating in things once found enjoyable, you may be suffering from depression. The good news is that there is depression treatment in Lakeview available for you or your loved one.

Symptoms of Depression

Feeling blue is only one of many symptoms of depression. It could present as angry outbursts, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, tearfulness, overwhelming doom, weight loss or weight gain, and isolating from friends and family. When depression is left untreated, the psychological effects can lead to physical ailments including headaches, stomachaches, as well as joint or back pain.

How Depression Affects Your Family

When someone you love is suffering from depression, human nature is to try and fix it or fix them. When you realize there isn’t anything you can do to make their depression go away, it tends to be very frustrating. Maybe you feel guilty, like the depression was somehow caused by you. If the depression is severe enough to affect daily activities, maybe you have taken on more responsibilities around the home. When the burden of everyday life rests solely on one person, it takes a toll. Tensions rise. Arguments ensue. This is why it is important for you to seek out a therapist near you so you and your family can regain harmony within your home.

Tonya Octave is Your Depression Therapy Specialist

Mental health services for depression treatment are available in Lakeview. Tonya Octave at Multicultural Services has the experience you deserve for your mental health journey. Appointments are available in person or online. Take the first step by calling (310) 387-8164 or by clicking here because your message is the beginning to an improved you and a healthier family.

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