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Diets? Diets? Diets? Diets? Which one?

Tonya Octave LCSW

Diets? Diets? Diets? Diets? Which one?

I want to share a few diets out there as you begin your journey towards wellness. That is mental health wellness, and decide you include parts of the Octaves Method into your preparation. So this is about “Victuals” nutrition and moving away from a diet and towards a healthy eating lifestyle. Compare the following for benefits and problems associated with 4 to 7 Day Rotation Diets, Blind Elimination Diets, and IgG Blood Test Guided Elimination Diets.

This blog will address the rotation diet, the blind elimination diet, and the IgG blood test elimination diets. The rotation diet is based on rotating food options. For example, if you eat eggs on Monday, you will not eat eggs again until 4 to 7 days later. Dr. Herbert Rinkel developed the idea in 1934 to support individuals challenged with food intolerances. The idea is to eat foods on a particular day and then give the body time to recover from that specific food. (1) This rotation diet is helpful for individuals suffering from food allergies. However, you can be aware of your food allergies by eating them infrequently and monitoring changes. This particular diet requires additional knowledge about what clusters of food should be grouped together. (2) There are apps, online programs, and books that can send you in this direction if you choose.

The blind elimination diet removes foods from your diet with allergic reactions, sensitivities, and intolerances. If one chooses to do this blindly, you will eliminate foods that are likely the most common triggering foods based on research. This includes “dairy, gluten, sugar, nightshades, soy, alcohol, and processed foods.” This lasts approximately 3-6 weeks, and the individual notes any changes and reactions within the body after the food was eliminated. After this period, a particular food can be reintroduced back into the diet one at a time. (3)

Suppose you are looking for something with less guesswork. Then the IgG blood test provides information on immunoglobulins or antibodies in the blood. The antibodies in the blood become key to fighting off infections, bacteria, and viruses in the body. The IgG looks at food sensitives and reactions from the body. The individual will temporarily remove these items from their diet and slowly reintroduce them if you choose later back into the body. (4) This is the least expensive diet as you are only buying organic foods; you know no reactions are occurring within the body. Without the IgG test, you will need to remove foods and wait at least 28 days. This can be costly and time-consuming as well. The IgG is the quickest approach. This provides you with scoring of very low to high food reactivity. Then you can start eliminating the high to moderate foods first. The test gives you a frame to work with to not waste time guessing.

The IgG panel blood elimination diet is my “go-to” option. Also, I recommend the IgG blood panel elimination diet to my friends and family. I had a similar panel done many years ago to tell me my food sensitivities. This helped me make more informed and knowledgeable choices with food options.

If you are interested in learning more about mental health, mental wellness, and nutrition, contact me for a free consultation.


  1., retrieved 1-15-22

  2., retrieved 1-15-22. 3.

  3., retrieved 1-15-22

  4., retrieved 1-15-22

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