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NES Health System
What is the NES Health System?
This is a bioenergetic system based on quantum physics and energy healing. This is part of an integrative package to address your health and mental wellness. The scanning technology will provide you with holistic wellness reports in a matter of seconds. The scan works with a handheld device in my office or your voice online in a matter of seconds. The scan uses a matching process to show strong correlations with underlying and current health and mental health concerns. This approach looks at underlying concerns and uses bioenergy to repair the distortions noted on the scan.
This software will show different screens that I will review with you depending on your package.
For example, the energy source screen illustrates how the environment powers you, how the body field responds to night and day cycles, and the Earth fields.
The energy strength screen shows how much strength is available in the individual fields which make up the human-body fields.
The energy flow screen shows the body fields’ integrity so that the correct communication can occur.
The mind-body screen shows the emotional loops imprinted in the body field by shock, trauma, and unhealthy patterns.
Additional screens look at energetic immunity, environmental, nutrition, terrains, life journey, and recommendations for repair.
Once we have assessed the body field, we can unlock and rejuvenate using the NES Mi Health device. This is a unique device unlike any others on the market today. This device uses PEMF technology to correct the energy fields. This is accomplished “on the body” or “off the body” (also used on pets) using a smart bioelectric stimulation with real-time biofeedback to give our body what it needs now. So, we can clear the energy blockages and rejuvenate your energy in one session.
I provide liquid remedies based on the recommendations from the NES Scan referred to as Infoceuticals. This structured water contains information within the molecular structure of the water to help repair the body on a cellular level and achieve optimal wellness. The body field’s energy levels are optimized, and information is properly communicated to the area prioritized in real-time. A healthy body is about energy and communication.
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NES Health & Bioenergetics
Bioenergetics goes beyond chemistry and biology and looks more deeply at the root causes of illness and symptoms. You can optimize your health by exploring your energy and energy fields. The scanning software gives us insight into where the body needs the most support to correct and repair the body rather than just repressing your symptoms. We also get to explore the realms of the unconscious and physical reality by providing information on how stress, emotions, and trauma impact our health.
With the NES Health software, we explore in detail the body’s true control system:
How it is networking with its environment.
How well powered it is.
How well communication is taking place daily and encouraging the healing process.
How stress and traumas are affecting the healing and repair processes
How well it is recognizing and responding to nutrients and toxins.
This is not a medical assessment or a diagnostic tool; most people are astonished by its accuracy and the insights it provides. Results focus not on disease or illness but on where improvements can be made, which is accomplished through lifestyle choices and bioenergetic technology, and liquid remedies.
Interested to know more? Create a FREE account and get free access to:
Bioenergetic films, articles, podcasts, recipes, and more.
The groundbreaking eBook, Energy 4 Life.
Relaxing music tracks are imprinted with resonance wellness technology.
A shop with exclusive bioenergetic products.
If you would ever like to take the next step with a complete wellness scan, having an account makes it more accessible, and I will be happy to assist.
What are Infoceuticals?
Infoceuticals are liquid waters that provide energy and fix the information in the Human Body-Field.
It is recommended to take Infoceuticals daily, preferably before noon. However, I will provide you a schedule based on your specific needs. In addition, I will give you video demonstrations on the process for you and your pets. My patients have reported positive changes in their overall wellness over time. The body has an innate healing mechanism, and with a bit of support, you can energize and correct information within the body field that may be lacking to support the healing process.
Physics tells us that information guides the body’s energy which impacts our health. Suppose this information gets distorted or blocked; it can be the underlying cause of many health-related concerns. By introducing corrective information to the body field, we can help restore its energy and ability to heal and sustain itself. Infoceuticals provide this corrective information through the properties of the liquid waters knowns as structured water.
What are the ingredients in Infoceuticals?
As you examine any two bottles of Infoceuticals, they all look the same. Aside from the name on the front, the labels look identical.
Infoceutical Ingredients: Purified water; Himalayan Sea Salt (1%); Potassium Chloride (1.5%); Magnesium Chloride (1%); Potassium Sorbate (0.2%); Citric Acid (0.1%).
Even when you equate two separate forms of vitamin C, the amounts of the immune-supporting vitamin are different.
Why are the Ingredients so Similar?
A simple response is the ingredients in Infoceuticals are so similar because the base component must be the same. It’s a mixture of minerals that is similar in composition to blood plasma. It is blood plasma used when we donate blood at a blood bank. This donated plasma can restore blood volume and provide valuable electrolytes. These electrolytes help balance the water, nutrients, and pH level in your body. The plasma properties are precisely why we sought to replicate it (more as you continue to read). We found we could mimic plasma with primordial sea minerals (minerals from the sea millions of years ago when the environment was pristine) mixed with pharmaceutical-grade magnesium and potassium providing the cleanest and closest biological match to add additional structure and information to the water. When you drink this water, it helps to safeguard your “internal sea” is as healthy as possible.
Infoceuticals Contain Structured Water Dr. Gerald Pollock, a professor at the University of Washington, has done remarkable work demonstrating how structured water and its connection to nature supports the human body.
This was researched and tested to find the best way to create structured water and provide the best possible carrier medium for our Infoceuticals. Water is the liquid in NES Infoceuticals, but the below information supports the transport of the “missing” ingredient. “When mixing minerals in a carrier solution, it creates what Dr. Pollack calls an EZ (exclusion zone) layer around each mineral. The EZ layer is formed of highly structured water or H3O2 (instead of H2O), which is the ideal structure for imprinting and storing information in water. H3O2 is a bit like computer memory in its ability to store information. When carried into the body, this information is then transmitted directly to the cells. Our Infoceuticals are able to do this precisely because the water so closely resembles plasma.”
Life originated in the sea, and even land animals are walking bags of cells living in a mobile sea or extracellular matrix. Our cells feed on this extracellular water, on the ions and EZ water surrounding them. Our sea mineral water is filtered, structured, and stability tested in a pharmaceutical-grade facility to safeguard the purity and additional structure. The Infoceuticals should be stored in a cool, dry place. There is no need for refrigeration.
What Makes Infoceuticals Different from Each Other?
How is it that one Infoceutical can support heart health while another can help you feel calm?
Judging from the nutrition facts panel, some feel it is impossible to tell the difference.
The answer rests in something you can’t see on the label or in the water but is within your body-field, which can easily distinguish information. This explains why drinking the imprinted structure water is so powerful. The extracellular matrix of our cells is changed. This is what improves your cellular health. Hence, adding highly structured imprinted water to your daily regime will help restore your cellular system to vitality and balance.
Each Infoceutical contains quantum information specific to the part of the human body-field it needs to correct. Through over 35 years of intense testing and research, Peter Fraser figured out what information each field needs for its “correct” state. You can reference Peter’s book, “Decoding the Human Body Field,” to learn more.
Harry Massey then found a way to codify Peter’s discoveries and encode it into software, allowing for an easy way to accurately and readily create Infoceuticals. “Infoceuticals are imprinted with by specially trained NES personnel. The process of imprinting is complex, but it involves converting the holographic information into data sets, creating large electromagnetic fields, injecting photons of certain colors, and managing other physics and engineering properties that are proprietary to NES.” This is not something we see on the labels because it is holographic information that creates the different Infoceuticals that correspond to your body field that needs correcting. This is why Infoceuticals are a potent tool to support your health and wellness regardless if you need energy, attention to the liver, digestion, emotional support, or other areas impacting your health.
Get your bioenergetic scan today to find out what Infoceuticals are specifically recommended for you.
> Download Infoceuticals Solutions Brochure
The Mi Health handheld device is an award-winning bioelectric device that uniquely provides “microcurrent” therapy through a global scaling process. As a result, you will get the benefits of real-time biofeedback to promote the body’s natural healing processes. Furthermore, the Mi Health device combines “frequency” therapy with NES Health information therapy to restore your body to optimal functioning.
> Learn More About the Benefits of MiHealth
Bioenergetic Lifestyle Course
Are you looking for a complete bioenergetic package? Then, you can enroll in a six-month course based on thousands of consultations, hundreds of interviews from worldwide experts in the field, and over 20 years of research. This wellness program is divided into four modules: The body, mind, environment, and social categories. You will gain access to new lessons each week for a total of 24 sessions. Additionally, you will receive your recommended Infoceuticals, Mi Health treatment (in the office), and scans.
The NES Health system produces exceptional results for pets too. The scanning technology can detect and correct patterns of energy in your pet’s body. You can see the unseen and look beyond your pet’s systems to discover what information is needed to be restored and corrected. Pets can also benefit from Mi Health treatment using off-the-body settings to unblock and release energy blockages. Lastly, your pet will receive Infoceuticals remedies to correct these distortions and release energy blockages. Get your pet’s control system back to its original blueprint for optimal health.
Support your pets healing:
See your pet’s physiology.
See beyond your pet’s symptoms.
See the information your pet’s body needs to heal itself.
See your pet get well and stay well.
The animal wellness system helps to detect and correct patterns of your pet’s energy field.
> Learn More About The Animal NES System